• Low Cost Voucher Program for Vet Services
Joliet Township Animal Control has received a grant to help people in the community afford select veterinary services for their pets. Please call or visit our office for details. You will be required to come to our office to receive the voucher that will provide the needed services at Paws For A Cause in Naperville. Please see the link to the Paws For A Cause restrictions below to make sure that your pet meets the requirements.
This program is available for a limited time and handled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sample voucher only, not valid for printing
Cupón para Servicios Veterinarios en Paws for a Cause Vet Care Servicios Disponibles y Costo para el Cliente (CoPago): Dental: $50 No estoy segura que sea limpieza; mejor dejar en dental Esterilización/Castración (gato, perro o animal salvaje): $25 Tratamiento de infección uterina (piometra) en gatos o perros: $50 Medicamentos recetados: $0 Información Importante: Este cupón solo es válido para los servicios mencionados. Las citas deben programarse a través de Paws for a Cause Vet Care. El copago debe pagarse al programar la cita. Debe presentar este cupón en su cita. Cupo limitado: las citas se asignan por orden de solicitud. Para Agendar una cita: Llame al 630-961-8000 Dirección: 1620 Bond St, Naperville, IL 60563
Paws For A Cause restrictions
• Newsletter
• Pet Microchipping
Microchipping is an essential part of keeping your pet safe. A microchip is a permanent identification, and your information is registered to that chip. We make the process even easier by registering your information for you. You just need to keep it up to date if anything changes. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and the process only take a few minutes. Completing the paperwork in advance can speed the process along, so please feel free to print the form below and bring it with you. Please PRINT neatly.
Cost: $20 cash / $25 on card
No appointment needed. Available 10am-2pm, M-F.
Dogs must be on a leash and cats must be in a carrier
• Low Cost Vaccine Clinic/Spay-Neuter
Snip Society offers low-cost preventative care, including spay/neuter surgeries. Call then at 815-630-4411, additional information can be found at Spay Neuter | SNIP Society | United States.
• Wildlife Trapping
JTAC offers a trapping program to catch those critters that visit our homes from time to time. Raccoons, opossums, and squirrel traps are $50 to rent with a $100 deposit. We will show you how to set the trap and suggestions for baiting the trap. You will be able to set the trap for 1 week, please call JTAC when you catch an animal and one of the officers will come and remove the animal and leave the trap for you to set again.
Additional wildlife information can be found on Humane Society of United States website.
Please contact our office for trap availability, (815) 725-0333.